Episode 39 - Beasts, and Manticores, and Corpses. Oh my!
In the boneyard of Morast, the party discovers a number of disturbing clues and evidence about that transpired a year ago. But does the evidence help to prove the Beast's innocence? Or does it condemn it further?
IMPORTANT NOTE: In this episode, one of the players made use of the "X" card when a scene became too disturbing for them. The X card is one of several tools that can be used to enhance your games - especially when dealing with sensitive topics - to help create a safe space to explore and play while not triggering anyone at the table. We've been using the X-card for awhile, and not needed it before this episode, but we're glad that it was in use. To learn more about the X-Card, visit this site. http://tinyurl.com/x-card-rpg
The X-Card is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) License by John Stavropoulos.
"Oh, no" counter!: 2
- Azatha is played by Red
- Eklen is played by Green
- Elyris is played by Yellow
- Lensa is played by Blue
- Jeryn is played by Orange
- Your Gamemaster is Aaron
Background music provided by Tabletop Audio.
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